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Мастер-класс: “Техника женских стрижек машинкой”

[Стрижки на разную длину волос. Филировка машинкой и срезы слайсинга]

Ведущий стилист-парикмахер Казахстана - Александр ЦОЙ
[Александр является одним из ведущих парикмахеров нашего города, он известен своими работами в таких проектах как: Азия Дауысы, Суперстар КЗ, KFW, Жасканат и т.д.  Также, он участвовал в телепередачах и вел свою рубрику на 31 Канале о моде и красоте «Зеркало», его интервью печатались в журналах «Vintage», «Долорес», «Men’s Health», «Fashion Collection».Александр проработал более 2 лет в Москве, являясь парикмахером-стилистом  таких знаменитостей как: Анита Цой, София Ротару, Лада Дэнс, а также  создавал стиль звездного  состава, в который входят: гр. «Орда», гр. «JCS», Белинда Карлаил, Бонни Тайлер, Дильназ Ахмадиева, Роза Рымбаева, Нагима Ескалиева, «FM», Булат Абдиахметов, Женис Искакова, Гульнара Дусматова, гр. «ТриСтар», гр. «Hi-Fi», «Яшлык».
Александр был приглашен для обучения мастеров и постановки работы салона в Эквадоре, г. Гуаякиль, являлся технологом испанской фирмы «Lakme» , работал в Греции над различными проектами в индустрии красоты.]

Дата: 1 Марта 2016 
Время проведения: с 11:00 до 17:00
Стоимость: 2 000 тенге

В день семинара, предоставляется разовая скидка на LAKME -40% от розницы.
Всем участникам подарки от @idealbeauty.kz

Запись по тел. +7(727)392-69-30/35, +7(777)684-38-64
Место проведения: пр-т Гагарина 135 Г, ЦО "IdealBeauty"


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Davidfib on вт, 08/22/2023 - 08:08
Embark on a journey through Emotional coming-of-age webtoons, narratives that beautifully capture the core of adolescence, feelings, and life's trials. Engross yourself in these touching stories that strike a chord with audiences across age groups. In the realm of digital stories, Touching coming-of-age webtoons stand out as a style that skillfully blends together connecting experiences, feelings, and life's defining instants. These webtoons explore the voyage of adolescence, encapsulating the core of growth, self-discovery, and coping with the complexities of existence. In this piece, we'll dive into the world of Heartfelt adolescent webtoons, exploring their motifs, influence, and best places to find them. https://courses.9marks.org/members/santawater65/activity/33398/ https://cutt.ly/hwaRFJwR https://images.google.is/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://notes.io/qFrdC https://images.google.com.hk/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ Heartfelt Voyage through Adolescence: Navigating the Path Adolescence signifies a time of deep change, both physically and mentally. Touching adolescent webtoons take readers through this metamorphic phase, offering insights into the obstacles, aspirations, and dreams that accompany the process of growing up. Explored Themes in Heartfelt Adolescent Webtoons Heartfelt adolescent webtoons traverse a wide range of themes that resonate with readers worldwide. Concepts such as self-identity, companionship, romance, family relationships, self-acceptance, and conquering adversity are masterfully intertwined into these narratives, making them easy to relate to and emotionally impactful. Embracing Authenticity and Self-Exploration The crux of every Heartfelt coming-of-age webtoon lies in the protagonist's expedition for being genuine and finding oneself. Readers follow characters as they deal with the intricacies of their own identities, stumbling upon errors, learning lessons, and ultimately growing into their genuine selves. Impact on Readers The influence of Heartfelt adolescent webtoons reaches well beyond fun. These stories provide a secure haven for readers to reflect on their own experiences, doubts, and dreams. They offer solace to those dealing with similar predicaments and act as a reminder that they're not solitary in their difficulties. Diversity and Representation One of the hallmarks of Heartfelt coming-of-age webtoons is their strong dedication to variety and portrayal. These webtoons showcase characters from a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and orientations, fostering a sense of inclusiveness and enabling readers to find reflections of themselves within the narratives they read. Discovering the Best Touching Adolescent Webtoons Places that Host Touching Adolescent Webtoons A plethora of online sites harbor a wealth of Touching adolescent webtoons. From dedicated webtoon platforms to online communities , these stories are easily available and suit readers' inclinations. Prominent Heartfelt Adolescent Webtoons 1. "Hidden Wounds": Chronicles the journey of a budding artist struggling with mental well-being and self-worth. 2. "Flourishing Bonds": Explores the intricacies of friendships and changing ties as characters move from high school to college. 3. "Roaming Spirits": Infuses a supernatural twist into the adolescent genre, blending typical teenage struggles with supernatural elements. The Strength of Visual Storytelling A unique aspect of Touching adolescent webtoons is their ability in telling stories through visuals. The fusion of engaging imagery and engaging narratives creates an immersive reading encounter that profoundly connects with readers. Frequently Asked Questions about Heartfelt Coming-of-Age Webtoons Are Emotional adolescent webtoons suitable for all age groups? Absolutely! While they touch upon mature subjects, numerous Touching adolescent webtoons are designed to be relatable and appropriate for readers of varying ages. Can I read Heartfelt coming-of-age webtoons without any charge? Yes, numerous platforms proffer an array of Emotional coming-of-age webtoons free of cost. However, some premium content might necessitate a subscription. Do Emotional coming-of-age webtoons focus solely on romance? No, these webtoons cover an extensive spectrum of themes beyond romance, including camaraderie, family, personal evolution, and more. Are Heartfelt coming-of-age webtoons only meant for teenagers? Absolutely not! These webtoons connect to readers spanning all age brackets, capturing ubiquitous emotions and experiences. Where can I engage in discussions about Touching adolescent webtoons with other fans? Online communities, forums, and social media platforms dedicated to webtoons offer arenas for enthusiasts to connect and discourse about their preferred series. Are Heartfelt coming-of-age webtoons solely available in English? While many are accessible in English, the popularity of webtoons has resulted in translations in diverse languages, making them accessible to a global audience. http://wiki.68edu.ru/w/Explore-the-captivating-universe-of-Digital-Tales-where-digital-advancements-meets-narrative-to-create--i https://www.google.mn/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://aibots.wiki/wiki/Unveiling_the_Enchanting_World_of_Online_Comics_A_Journey_into_Interactive_Storytelling http://taktok.ir/user/nutmole1 http://taktok.ir/user/joinvacuum1 In Conclusion Touching adolescent webtoons have established their mark as a potent medium for storytelling, breathing life into the expedition of youth in a manner that resonates with readers across all age groups. These stories provide insights into the challenges, triumphs, and feelings that define this pivotal stage of life. By embracing genuineness, diversity, and relatable motifs, Touching adolescent webtoons continue in captivating hearts and prompting meaningful dialogues. TYRTY

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