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[Александр является одним из ведущих парикмахеров нашего города, он известен своими работами в таких проектах как: Азия Дауысы, Суперстар КЗ, KFW, Жасканат и т.д.  Также, он участвовал в телепередачах и вел свою рубрику на 31 Канале о моде и красоте «Зеркало», его интервью печатались в журналах «Vintage», «Долорес», «Men’s Health», «Fashion Collection».Александр проработал более 2 лет в Москве, являясь парикмахером-стилистом  таких знаменитостей как: Анита Цой, София Ротару, Лада Дэнс, а также  создавал стиль звездного  состава, в который входят: гр. «Орда», гр. «JCS», Белинда Карлаил, Бонни Тайлер, Дильназ Ахмадиева, Роза Рымбаева, Нагима Ескалиева, «FM», Булат Абдиахметов, Женис Искакова, Гульнара Дусматова, гр. «ТриСтар», гр. «Hi-Fi», «Яшлык».
Александр был приглашен для обучения мастеров и постановки работы салона в Эквадоре, г. Гуаякиль, являлся технологом испанской фирмы «Lakme» , работал в Греции над различными проектами в индустрии красоты.]

Дата: 1 Марта 2016 
Время проведения: с 11:00 до 17:00
Стоимость: 2 000 тенге

В день семинара, предоставляется разовая скидка на LAKME -40% от розницы.
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WilliamFrepe on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:39
Dive into the realm of Emotional stories of adolescence, narratives that exquisitely capture the journey to maturity, emotions, and life's. Immerse yourself in these poignant narratives that connect with readers of all age group. In the domain of digital storytelling, Heartfelt narratives of adolescence shine as a genre that interweaves connectable experiences, feelings, and the challenges of life's pivotal instances. These narratives explore into the expedition of youth, embracing the essence of evolution, self-discovery, and navigating through the complexities of life. Within this write-up, we'll dive into the realm of Touching tales of adolescence, exploring their themes, influence, and optimal sources for discovery. https://images.google.cg/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz https://ka4nem.ru/user/billdebtor8/ http://bbs.onmyojigame.jp/space-uid-1670877.html https://images.google.co.il/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://daisysyellowpepper.nl/author/clamenemy4/ Heartfelt Narratives of Growing Up: Navigating the Adolescent Phase Adolescence symbolize a phase of deep transformation, both physically and mentally. Emotional stories of teenage years take readers on a voyage through this metamorphic phase, offering insights into the challenges, ambitions, and dreams that accompany the journey to maturity. Covered Themes in Emotional Tales of Youth Heartfelt stories of teenage years delve into an variety of varied themes that resonate with audiences worldwide. Themes like identity, friendship, love, familial dynamics, self-acceptance, and overcoming adversity are expertly intertwined into these narratives, resulting in stories that are both relatable and emotionally resonant. Accepting Authenticity and Self-Exploration At the core of every Heartfelt story of adolescence resides the protagonist's pursuit of authenticity and self-exploration. Readers accompany characters as they navigate the intricacies of their own identities, making errors, learning lessons, and ultimately maturing into their true selves. Influence on Readers The influence of Heartfelt tales of teenage years reaches well beyond mere entertainment. These narratives provide a haven for audiences to reflect on their own encounters, doubts, and aspirations. They provide comfort to those facing similar challenges, serving as a reassurance that they are not alone in their hardships. Diversity and Representation A notable aspect of Emotional tales of teenage years is their dedication to variety and inclusivity. These stories showcase characters from various backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life, fostering inclusivity and enabling readers to find themselves within the stories they consume. Discovering the Optimal Heartfelt Tales of Adolescence Platforms for Touching Tales of Adolescence Several online sites host a treasure trove of Touching stories of teenage years. From dedicated storytelling platforms to social media networks, these narratives are easily accessible and tailored to readers' tastes. Notable Heartfelt Tales of Youth 1. "Hidden Scars": Traces the path of a budding creative struggling with mental health and self-esteem. 2. "Blooming Bonds": Investigates the intricacies of friendships and evolving bonds as characters move from high school to college. 3. "Wandering Spirits": An otherworldly twist on the adolescence narrative, fusing everyday teenage tribulations with paranormal elements. The Strength of Visual Narration A unique aspect of Touching narratives of adolescence is their visual narration. The combination of engaging artwork and gripping narratives results in an immersive journey that deeply connects with audiences. FAQs about Heartfelt Stories of Adolescence Are Heartfelt narratives of adolescence suitable for all age groups? Certainly! While they touch upon mature themes, many Touching narratives of teenage years are crafted to be connectable and appropriate for readers of different ages. Can I access Touching tales of adolescence without charge? Indeed, many platforms offer a variety of Touching narratives of adolescence free of charge. However, certain premium content might require a subscription. Do Touching tales of teenage years exclusively revolve around romance? No, these stories cover a wide range of themes beyond romance, encompassing friendship, family, personal evolution, and more. Are Heartfelt narratives of teenage years solely intended for teenagers? Not at all! These narratives resonate with audiences of all age groups, encompassing universal feelings and experiences. Where can I engage in conversations about Touching narratives of teenage years with other enthusiasts? Online communities, boards, and online networks dedicated to storytelling offer spaces for fans to connect and discuss their favorite series. Are Emotional narratives of teenage years only available in the English language? While a multitude are accessible in English, the success of these narratives has resulted in translations into various languages, making them accessible to a global audience. http://troop1914.org/ha/members/billegg84/activity/1092407/ https://maps.google.cv/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://randomness.wiki/wiki/Best_Webcomic_Series_appropriate_for_Teens_Engaging_Digital_Cartoons_targeting_Todays_Adolescents https://maps.google.ml/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://www.google.pt/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ Conclusion Heartfelt stories of adolescence have established themselves as a powerful medium for storytelling, infusing the voyage of adolescents with energy that resonates across ages. These narratives provide insights into the obstacles, triumphs, and feelings that define this significant juncture of life. Through the embrace of authenticity, variety, and themes that resonate, Touching stories of teenage years persist in engaging hearts and sparking profound conversations. newtoki 뉴토끼 실시간 최신주소

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WilliamFrepe on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:41
Dive into the realm of Emotional stories of adolescence, narratives that exquisitely capture the journey to maturity, emotions, and life's. Immerse yourself in these poignant narratives that connect with readers of all age group. In the domain of digital storytelling, Heartfelt narratives of adolescence shine as a genre that interweaves connectable experiences, feelings, and the challenges of life's pivotal instances. These narratives explore into the expedition of youth, embracing the essence of evolution, self-discovery, and navigating through the complexities of life. Within this write-up, we'll dive into the realm of Touching tales of adolescence, exploring their themes, influence, and optimal sources for discovery. https://images.google.cg/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz https://ka4nem.ru/user/billdebtor8/ http://bbs.onmyojigame.jp/space-uid-1670877.html https://images.google.co.il/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://daisysyellowpepper.nl/author/clamenemy4/ Heartfelt Narratives of Growing Up: Navigating the Adolescent Phase Adolescence symbolize a phase of deep transformation, both physically and mentally. Emotional stories of teenage years take readers on a voyage through this metamorphic phase, offering insights into the challenges, ambitions, and dreams that accompany the journey to maturity. Covered Themes in Emotional Tales of Youth Heartfelt stories of teenage years delve into an variety of varied themes that resonate with audiences worldwide. Themes like identity, friendship, love, familial dynamics, self-acceptance, and overcoming adversity are expertly intertwined into these narratives, resulting in stories that are both relatable and emotionally resonant. Accepting Authenticity and Self-Exploration At the core of every Heartfelt story of adolescence resides the protagonist's pursuit of authenticity and self-exploration. Readers accompany characters as they navigate the intricacies of their own identities, making errors, learning lessons, and ultimately maturing into their true selves. Influence on Readers The influence of Heartfelt tales of teenage years reaches well beyond mere entertainment. These narratives provide a haven for audiences to reflect on their own encounters, doubts, and aspirations. They provide comfort to those facing similar challenges, serving as a reassurance that they are not alone in their hardships. Diversity and Representation A notable aspect of Emotional tales of teenage years is their dedication to variety and inclusivity. These stories showcase characters from various backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life, fostering inclusivity and enabling readers to find themselves within the stories they consume. Discovering the Optimal Heartfelt Tales of Adolescence Platforms for Touching Tales of Adolescence Several online sites host a treasure trove of Touching stories of teenage years. From dedicated storytelling platforms to social media networks, these narratives are easily accessible and tailored to readers' tastes. Notable Heartfelt Tales of Youth 1. "Hidden Scars": Traces the path of a budding creative struggling with mental health and self-esteem. 2. "Blooming Bonds": Investigates the intricacies of friendships and evolving bonds as characters move from high school to college. 3. "Wandering Spirits": An otherworldly twist on the adolescence narrative, fusing everyday teenage tribulations with paranormal elements. The Strength of Visual Narration A unique aspect of Touching narratives of adolescence is their visual narration. The combination of engaging artwork and gripping narratives results in an immersive journey that deeply connects with audiences. FAQs about Heartfelt Stories of Adolescence Are Heartfelt narratives of adolescence suitable for all age groups? Certainly! While they touch upon mature themes, many Touching narratives of teenage years are crafted to be connectable and appropriate for readers of different ages. Can I access Touching tales of adolescence without charge? Indeed, many platforms offer a variety of Touching narratives of adolescence free of charge. However, certain premium content might require a subscription. Do Touching tales of teenage years exclusively revolve around romance? No, these stories cover a wide range of themes beyond romance, encompassing friendship, family, personal evolution, and more. Are Heartfelt narratives of teenage years solely intended for teenagers? Not at all! These narratives resonate with audiences of all age groups, encompassing universal feelings and experiences. Where can I engage in conversations about Touching narratives of teenage years with other enthusiasts? Online communities, boards, and online networks dedicated to storytelling offer spaces for fans to connect and discuss their favorite series. Are Emotional narratives of teenage years only available in the English language? While a multitude are accessible in English, the success of these narratives has resulted in translations into various languages, making them accessible to a global audience. http://troop1914.org/ha/members/billegg84/activity/1092407/ https://maps.google.cv/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://randomness.wiki/wiki/Best_Webcomic_Series_appropriate_for_Teens_Engaging_Digital_Cartoons_targeting_Todays_Adolescents https://maps.google.ml/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ https://www.google.pt/url?q=https://xn--h10b90b998c.biz/ Conclusion Heartfelt stories of adolescence have established themselves as a powerful medium for storytelling, infusing the voyage of adolescents with energy that resonates across ages. These narratives provide insights into the obstacles, triumphs, and feelings that define this significant juncture of life. Through the embrace of authenticity, variety, and themes that resonate, Touching stories of teenage years persist in engaging hearts and sparking profound conversations. newtoki 뉴토끼 실시간 최신주소

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Scottameno on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:45

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EdwardMub on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:47
Если ваша кредитная история оставляет желать лучшего, не отчаивайтесь. Наша команда экспертов специализируется на рефинансировании с плохой КИ. Мы понимаем, что каждая ситуация уникальна, и наш опыт позволяет нам разрабатывать индивидуальные планы для каждого клиента - https://ngzt.ru/novosti-partnerov/view/refinansirovanie-kredita-s-plohoj-kreditnoj-istoriej . Наша задача — помочь вам улучшить условия возврата долга, снизить процентные ставки и дать вам возможность начать с чистого листа в финансовом плане. Мы работаем с различными финансовыми институтами, чтобы найти наилучший вариант, соответствующий вашим потребностям. Не думайте, что плохая кредитная история — это барьер для рефинансирования. Мы готовы помочь вам начать путь к восстановлению вашей финансовой репутации и обрести шансы на улучшение вашего финансового положения.

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Andrewpoumb on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:47
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Scottameno on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:47

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MobertFethy on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:48
Если ваша кредитная история оставляет желать лучшего, не отчаивайтесь. Наша команда экспертов специализируется на рефинансировании с плохой КИ. Мы понимаем, что каждая ситуация уникальна, и наш опыт позволяет нам находить индивидуальные решения для каждого клиента - https://yerkramas.org/article/191119/refinansirovaniya-kreditov-sodejstvie-okazhet-«sodejstvie» . Наша задача — помочь вам получить более выгодные условия погашения кредита, снизить процентные ставки и дать вам новый старт для финансовой стабильности. Мы работаем с различными финансовыми институтами, чтобы найти наилучший вариант, соответствующий вашим потребностям. Не думайте, что плохая кредитная история — это барьер для рефинансирования. Мы готовы помочь вам начать путь к восстановлению вашей финансовой репутации и обрести шансы на улучшение вашего финансового положения.

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Andrewpoumb on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:50
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Andrewpoumb on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:52
darknet drug links darkmarket

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EdwardMub on пн, 08/21/2023 - 21:54
Если ваша кредитная история оставляет желать лучшего, не отчаивайтесь. Наша команда экспертов специализируется на рефинансировании с плохой КИ. Мы понимаем, что каждая ситуация уникальна, и наш опыт позволяет нам разрабатывать индивидуальные планы для каждого клиента - https://wordyou.ru/2487638-perekreditovanie-s-plohoj-kreditnoj-istoriej-vosstanovite-svoyu-finansovuyu-nadezhnost.html . Наша задача — помочь вам получить более выгодные условия погашения кредита, снизить процентные ставки и дать вам новый старт для финансовой стабильности. Мы работаем с различными финансовыми институтами, чтобы подобрать оптимальное решение для вашей ситуации. Не думайте, что плохая кредитная история — это барьер для рефинансирования. Мы готовы помочь вам начать путь к финансовой реабилитации и обрести шансы на улучшение вашего финансового положения.


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