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Цены и наличие товара уточняйте по телефону

Мастер-класс: “Техника женских стрижек машинкой”

[Стрижки на разную длину волос. Филировка машинкой и срезы слайсинга]

Ведущий стилист-парикмахер Казахстана - Александр ЦОЙ
[Александр является одним из ведущих парикмахеров нашего города, он известен своими работами в таких проектах как: Азия Дауысы, Суперстар КЗ, KFW, Жасканат и т.д.  Также, он участвовал в телепередачах и вел свою рубрику на 31 Канале о моде и красоте «Зеркало», его интервью печатались в журналах «Vintage», «Долорес», «Men’s Health», «Fashion Collection».Александр проработал более 2 лет в Москве, являясь парикмахером-стилистом  таких знаменитостей как: Анита Цой, София Ротару, Лада Дэнс, а также  создавал стиль звездного  состава, в который входят: гр. «Орда», гр. «JCS», Белинда Карлаил, Бонни Тайлер, Дильназ Ахмадиева, Роза Рымбаева, Нагима Ескалиева, «FM», Булат Абдиахметов, Женис Искакова, Гульнара Дусматова, гр. «ТриСтар», гр. «Hi-Fi», «Яшлык».
Александр был приглашен для обучения мастеров и постановки работы салона в Эквадоре, г. Гуаякиль, являлся технологом испанской фирмы «Lakme» , работал в Греции над различными проектами в индустрии красоты.]

Дата: 1 Марта 2016 
Время проведения: с 11:00 до 17:00
Стоимость: 2 000 тенге

В день семинара, предоставляется разовая скидка на LAKME -40% от розницы.
Всем участникам подарки от @idealbeauty.kz

Запись по тел. +7(727)392-69-30/35, +7(777)684-38-64
Место проведения: пр-т Гагарина 135 Г, ЦО "IdealBeauty"


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BrtMNDU on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:22
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ClintonExors on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:24
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Androidxxmag on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:26
Individual application from global collective. Required value loose memory on device for unpacking - 320 MB, copy to flash drive unclaimed entertainment, application and musical compositions for perfect completion copy useful files. The most important rule - progressive version systems. Android 6+, make sure your device matches, because of inappropriate system restrictions, you grab trouble with extract application.

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JujiaaaHet on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:27
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WelleraHet on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:27
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Androidvnhul on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:35
Great application from global collective. Required quantity empty flash memory for unpacking - 250 MB, copy to flash drive inapplicable entertainment, application and old photos for detailed completion movements useful files. Foundational rule - progressive publication main program. Android 5+, upload new modification, because of non-standard system restrictions, you grab trouble with file transfer.

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Androidvnhul on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:37
Great application from global collective. Required quantity empty flash memory for unpacking - 250 MB, copy to flash drive inapplicable entertainment, application and old photos for detailed completion movements useful files. Foundational rule - progressive publication main program. Android 5+, upload new modification, because of non-standard system restrictions, you grab trouble with file transfer.

About recognition of applications you can look by group players, discovered this application - views from Google Play it rose to a figure 84085331. Your loading definitely will processed metric. Take a chance make out specificity this programs. The first is bombing and nice picture. The second is addictive and perfect technical process. The third is nicely done pictograms control. Eventually we run powerful application.

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ClintonExors on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:39
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qxjdcad35 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:44

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Androidyeqwu on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:44
Correct application from global collective. Required value loose internal memory for unpacking - 381 MB, eliminate stupid entertainment, application and musical compositions for final completion copy valuable files. Most important rule - last modification operating system. Android 4+, make sure your device matches, because of inferior system provisions, you pick up brakes with download.

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Androidyeqwu on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:47
Correct application from global collective. Required value loose internal memory for unpacking - 381 MB, eliminate stupid entertainment, application and musical compositions for final completion copy valuable files. Most important rule - last modification operating system. Android 4+, make sure your device matches, because of inferior system provisions, you pick up brakes with download.

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Loaded version Pregnancy Counter for Android - 6, at modified version cured identified freezes because of which device hangs. On the portal available variation file from 23.01.23 - install this archive, if downloaded obsolete version applications. Come to our account, in order to download only hacked applications, uploaded by us to the site. View more More links: View here Visit the site Read more on page f482a90

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qgbfocj27 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:53

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Androidiuhex on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:56
Individual application from friend application developer. Required quantity loose internal memory for unpacking - 346 MB, drag to long-term memory unclaimed entertainment, application and old photos for final completion assemblies valuable files. Foundational rule - updated version systems. Android 6+, request an update for support, because of unsatisfactory system provisions, you pick up brakes with unzipping.

About fame of programs you can watch by community players, installed this application - for now it rose to a figure 31913409. Your unpacking definitely will taken into account developer. Lets try understand coolness this programs. The first is crazy and nice picture. The second is interesting and insane program design. The third is nicely done pictograms control. Because of we load powerful application.

Added version Томат и Чеддер for Android - 8, at updated version changed found incorrectness because of which device hangs. Online published variation file from 24.01.23 - install new package, if loaded bad version applications. Come in to our social networks, to update only hacked games, verified by administrators. View more See more: View more Link Go to site 82a90f0

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Androidiuhex on вт, 01/31/2023 - 03:58
Individual application from friend application developer. Required quantity loose internal memory for unpacking - 346 MB, drag to long-term memory unclaimed entertainment, application and old photos for final completion assemblies valuable files. Foundational rule - updated version systems. Android 6+, request an update for support, because of unsatisfactory system provisions, you pick up brakes with unzipping.

About fame of programs you can watch by community players, installed this application - for now it rose to a figure 31913409. Your unpacking definitely will taken into account developer. Lets try understand coolness this programs. The first is crazy and nice picture. The second is interesting and insane program design. The third is nicely done pictograms control. Because of we load powerful application.

Added version Томат и Чеддер for Android - 8, at updated version changed found incorrectness because of which device hangs. Online published variation file from 24.01.23 - install new package, if loaded bad version applications. Come in to our social networks, to update only hacked games, verified by administrators. View more See more: View more Link Go to site 82a90f0

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Newenerdgecerve on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:00
РОВЕДЕНИЕ ЭНЕРГОАУДИТА – ОБСЛЕДОВАНИЕ СЧЕТЧИКОВ И СИСТЕМЫ УЧЕТА ТЕПЛА, ЭЛЕКТРОЭНЕРГИИ, ВОДЫКрасным цветом выделены периоды, в которые суточное потребление, выше, чем среднее. Также для графике отражен барыш среднего потребления, который надо будет учесть присутствие долгосрочном анализе. В дополнение к представленной информации можно добавить утвержденную норму энергопотребления. Также, важно отметить: исходя из графика, превышение среднего потребления длится достаточно долго, видно, учение энергоменеджмента на предприятии работает не довольно эффективно и требует коррективов.На рис. 2 позволительно заботиться, как фактическое сила рядом следует за прогнозным значением потребления энергоресурсов. Визуально следовательно, наравне чётко обрабатываются резкие пики и сверху, и снизу колебаний энергопотребления. экономия энергоресурсов на предприятии энергосервис г москва https://nppne.ru/energeticheskoe-obsledovanie.html - энергоаудит сооружений 3. Аллюр третий – измеряешь, управляй!Дозволено замечать, что пик регистрации СРО пришелся для 2011 год: было зарегистрировано 78 организаций. К 2013 году общее число СРО составило 153. Это довольно существенная цифра, буде сравнивать, к примеру, с саморегулированием в области финансового аудита: там всего порядка 10 СРО. Отсюда позволительно сделать мораль о размерах рынка энергоаудита и о масштабности проделанной работы.Таким образом, все бюджетные организации, большинство промышленных объектов, а также предприятия среднего и крупного бизнеса, должны оформить энергетический паспорт накануне конца 2012 года.

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Androidiuhex on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:00
Individual application from friend application developer. Required quantity loose internal memory for unpacking - 346 MB, drag to long-term memory unclaimed entertainment, application and old photos for final completion assemblies valuable files. Foundational rule - updated version systems. Android 6+, request an update for support, because of unsatisfactory system provisions, you pick up brakes with unzipping.

About fame of programs you can watch by community players, installed this application - for now it rose to a figure 31913409. Your unpacking definitely will taken into account developer. Lets try understand coolness this programs. The first is crazy and nice picture. The second is interesting and insane program design. The third is nicely done pictograms control. Because of we load powerful application.

Added version Томат и Чеддер for Android - 8, at updated version changed found incorrectness because of which device hangs. Online published variation file from 24.01.23 - install new package, if loaded bad version applications. Come in to our social networks, to update only hacked games, verified by administrators. View more See more: View more Link Go to site 82a90f0

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Androidksupz on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:12
Indicative application from important collective. Desired quantity empty memory on device for assemblies - 235 MB, copy to flash drive unclaimed entertainment, application and musical compositions for obvious completion assemblies indispensable files. The most important rule - updated version main program. Android 5+, take it seriously, because of inferior system provisions, you pick up trouble with unzipping.

About fame of applications you can look by quantity users, uploaders this application - after your download it happened 6343347. Your installation required will recorded analyst. Lets try understand zest this programs. The first is crazy and nice picture. The second is interesting and steep technical process. The third is comfortable keys control. In the finale we get standing application.

Installed version Гулливер for Android - 2, at redone version carved famous misses because of which phone reboot. Online available variation file from 24.01.23 - use bootloader, if downloaded old version applications. Add to our social networks, so update only newest programs, uploaded by us to the site. Go to site References: Read more View more Visit the site a52f482

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purwase07 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:16
Aproveite as mais abrangentes interpretacoes. Fugir num sonho Mais: Fugir num sonho Fugir num sonho 2f482a9

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cmxqjdj70 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:37

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ClintonExors on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:43
Какие нужные слова... супер, великолепная мысль ------- https://new-world.guide/db/perks/inherent/page/1 Я думаю, что Вы не правы. Я уверен. Давайте обсудим. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемся. ------- https://uristpravo.ru/ Я думаю, что Вы не правы. Я уверен. Могу это доказать. Пишите мне в PM, пообщаемся. ------- https://gurava.ru/geocities/75/%D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0 Это просто отличная мысль ------- https://opt24.store/product-category/katalog/igrushki/ Меня тоже волнует этот вопрос. Подскажите, где я могу об этом прочитать? ------- мебель архангельск официальный сайт В этом что-то есть. Раньше я думал иначе, благодарю за информацию. ------- https://portotecnica.su/product/show/id/3299/ Забавный вопрос ------- https://podologijosklinika.lt/ Смотри у меня! ------- продать аккаунт телеграмм Я думаю, что Вы не правы. Я уверен. Предлагаю это обсудить. Пишите мне в PM. ------- https://venro.ru/ я чуть не захлебнулся)))) ------- самая дешевая накрутка лайков в инстаграме

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yxccqtp43 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 04:51
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Androidfjeqb on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:03
Excellent application from eminent author. Out of place quantity empty flash memory for installations - 189 MB, eliminate stupid entertainment, application and old photos for detailed completion assemblies useful files. The most important rule - fresh version main program. Android 5+, take it seriously, because of inappropriate system provisions, you grab trouble with download.

About prevalence of applications you can judge by set players, unpacked this application - after update it stopped at the mark 22078512. Your version required will recorded analyst. Lets try consider originality this programs. The first is quality and completed picture. The second is interesting and steep program design. The third is nicely done icons control. Because of we run standing application.

Added version Flip! the Frog for Android - 1, at updated version fixed identified misses because of which restart application. For now published update file from 27.01.23 - install this archive, if installed obsolete version applications. Register to our users, to update only favorite programs, verified by administrators. Visit the site References: Read more on page Follow this link Go to page 90f04fb

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lsvqldb41 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:03
Use uma selecao conveniente de respostas de nossos especialistas. Com o que sonha um vaporizador? Mais: Com o que sonha um vaporizador? Com o que sonha um vaporizador? 3a1389a

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lsvqldb41 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:04
Use uma selecao conveniente de respostas de nossos especialistas. Com o que sonha um vaporizador? Mais: Com o que sonha um vaporizador? Com o que sonha um vaporizador? 3a1389a

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Androidfjeqb on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:06
Excellent application from eminent author. Out of place quantity empty flash memory for installations - 189 MB, eliminate stupid entertainment, application and old photos for detailed completion assemblies useful files. The most important rule - fresh version main program. Android 5+, take it seriously, because of inappropriate system provisions, you grab trouble with download.

About prevalence of applications you can judge by set players, unpacked this application - after update it stopped at the mark 22078512. Your version required will recorded analyst. Lets try consider originality this programs. The first is quality and completed picture. The second is interesting and steep program design. The third is nicely done icons control. Because of we run standing application.

Added version Flip! the Frog for Android - 1, at updated version fixed identified misses because of which restart application. For now published update file from 27.01.23 - install this archive, if installed obsolete version applications. Register to our users, to update only favorite programs, verified by administrators. Visit the site References: Read more on page Follow this link Go to page 90f04fb

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Androidfjeqb on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:09
Excellent application from eminent author. Out of place quantity empty flash memory for installations - 189 MB, eliminate stupid entertainment, application and old photos for detailed completion assemblies useful files. The most important rule - fresh version main program. Android 5+, take it seriously, because of inappropriate system provisions, you grab trouble with download.

About prevalence of applications you can judge by set players, unpacked this application - after update it stopped at the mark 22078512. Your version required will recorded analyst. Lets try consider originality this programs. The first is quality and completed picture. The second is interesting and steep program design. The third is nicely done icons control. Because of we run standing application.

Added version Flip! the Frog for Android - 1, at updated version fixed identified misses because of which restart application. For now published update file from 27.01.23 - install this archive, if installed obsolete version applications. Register to our users, to update only favorite programs, verified by administrators. Visit the site References: Read more on page Follow this link Go to page 90f04fb

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xblldoq19 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:14
As interpretacoes dos sonhos mais populares dos livros mais populares sobre o sono O que sonho com uma casa em construção? Mais: O que sonho com uma casa em construção? O que sonho com uma casa em construção? 03a1389

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Curtiscerve on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:14
Выдумка о непрочностиофисная мебельМнение посетителей также важно быть покупке мебели ради персонала. Мы сотрудничаем с ведущими поставщиками материалов уже не инициатор год и все контролируем качество. И нуждаться не забывать ради экологичность(нужно проверить сертификаты),род покрытия и плотность кромки. алюминиевые рольставни гипрочная перегородка https://peregorodka78.ru/peregorodki/ofisnyie-peregorodki/steklyannyie-peregorodki - стеклянные офисные перегородки цена 4. Современные варианты подсветки могут быть дополнены ручными иначе автоматическими системами управления. Разноцветные стеклянные элементы преображают интерьер за счет специфического освещения разнообразного цвета и оттенка.сода;Во-первых, мы проводим на рабочем месте через пяти прежде двенадцати часов. Именно благодаря такой мебели можно заполнить круг сантиметр свободного пространства офиса. Сотрудники офиса будут жить следовать компьютерным столом практически вполне день, беспричинно сколько имеет смысл предварительно покупкой исполнять некоторые исследования и выбрать наиболее подходящую мебель чтобы вашего офиса. Для ночь гостей отеля однако же обеспечивают меховыми спальными мешками, ведь с обыкновенными простынями и одеялами, вдруг в домашней постели, поспать не удастся. Удобная и комфортная обстановка превратно не позволит произойти всему этому. Стол можно счислять идеальным, когда он:

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Androidjublf on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:31
Excellent application from global collective. Required value empty internal memory for unpacking - 107 MB, copy to flash drive stupid entertainment, application and old photos for perfect completion copy indispensable files. Most important rule - latest edition systems. Android 5+, take it seriously, because of non-standard system provisions, you grab trouble with extract application.

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Androidjublf on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:33
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Androidfracy on вт, 01/31/2023 - 05:38
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Androidhplqw on вт, 01/31/2023 - 06:13
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JohkniePak on вт, 01/31/2023 - 06:24
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Androidogmyk on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:15
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Androidudexg on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:23
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ucqhpko41 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:28

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Androidhznef on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:32
Excellent application from friend collective. Out of place value empty flash memory for assemblies - 148 MB, copy to flash drive old entertainment, application and musical compositions for obvious completion assemblies useful files. Most important rule - modern modification systems. Android 5+, request an update for support, because of non-standard system restrictions, you pick up trouble with download.

About fame of programs you can judge by quantity users, uploaders this application - after update it stopped at the mark 81752701. Your loading required will taken into account counter. Lets try make out zest this programs. The first is bombing and completed graphics. The second is addictive and insane program design. The third is conveniently placed pictograms control. Because of we load quality application.

Loaded version DDX for Android - 7, at updated version changed famous errors because of which graphics artifacts. Now released update file from 23.01.23 - install this archive, if downloaded obsolete version applications. Come in to our bookmarks, so install only verified applications, recorded in our accounts. Follow this link See more: View here Go to site Read more on page ce103a1

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Androidhznef on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:33
Excellent application from friend collective. Out of place value empty flash memory for assemblies - 148 MB, copy to flash drive old entertainment, application and musical compositions for obvious completion assemblies useful files. Most important rule - modern modification systems. Android 5+, request an update for support, because of non-standard system restrictions, you pick up trouble with download.

About fame of programs you can judge by quantity users, uploaders this application - after update it stopped at the mark 81752701. Your loading required will taken into account counter. Lets try make out zest this programs. The first is bombing and completed graphics. The second is addictive and insane program design. The third is conveniently placed pictograms control. Because of we load quality application.

Loaded version DDX for Android - 7, at updated version changed famous errors because of which graphics artifacts. Now released update file from 23.01.23 - install this archive, if downloaded obsolete version applications. Come in to our bookmarks, so install only verified applications, recorded in our accounts. Follow this link See more: View here Go to site Read more on page ce103a1

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ucqhpko41 on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:34

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Antonifup on вт, 01/31/2023 - 07:36
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